2011年11月29日 星期二

Rock Paper Scissors

Started to write an android app as a practice. I am a learn-as-I-go type person. So although I haven'e learnt much about android and Java yet. I started to work on it but I am afraid the complexity of  "Rock Paper Scissors" is out of my comfort zone. Hopefully, I can get it done by the end of this month.

It's not going to be a very fancy game with all the fancy photos, flash and graphic. Everything is going to be very simple. I hope that would impress my friends. XD

2011年11月28日 星期一

Android apps development

A friend of mine wrote a few Android apps (actually, he writes themes).
And I say, hey, I have an android phone and I know a little bit programming. 
Now I start learning writing Android apps.

This is a list of books I read to learn.
Beginning Android 2
Android Apps for Absolute Beginner

2011年11月22日 星期二

OMG My dear defy...

Yesterday, I was too stupid to try to root my Motorola Defy and flash a new rom to it.
It now became a semi-brick and I sent it to repair centre.

Hopefully, I will get it back on Monday and will pay 45 bucks for my silliness.

It is a weird time now as I am thinking getting the new Motorola Razr but it is still a little bit too expensive. (or excy, the aussie or lazy way of saying expensive. LOL)

I will probably get it if Motorola Defy drop from Optus $59 plan to $49 plan by the beginning of Feburary, 2012.

2011年11月21日 星期一

Funny dog, lazy engineer

I can't believe that someone would put that much effect to be lazy but we can't really blame that guy as the dog has so much fun playing with a machine. (That sounds weird)

That is something I want to do when I have time. (The machine, not to be lazy)

Jerry needs no help playing with his ball.

2011年11月18日 星期五

2011年11月16日 星期三

2011年11月13日 星期日

Clown Coins!!!

Here's another awesome iphone game in Android Market now!
It's FREE, why not download it now?

- Support Retina display with high resolution graphics
- Cartoon Graphics
- Easy to control with just a simple touch
- Challenge Level
- Game Center Leaderboards and Achievements
- 20 Collectible prizes
- Level System

How To Play
1. Drop a coin with a simple tap
2. Try to collect one coin in any combination of continuous position
3. Click the payout button to get the bonus coin

2011年11月11日 星期五

Android Themes!

Do you want a customized android theme? or a GO sms theme?
A friend of mine knows what to do!
Contact him!
Here's his blog!



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